What do you do when you get a text notification? If you’re like the average person, you drop everything and look at it. We have been conditioned to believe that texts deserve our immediate attention. Plus, most people don’t receive as much “junk” via text as they do in their email inbox.
This is great news for businesses if you use texting wisely. Before we cover all the amazing ways you can interact with customers on text, you must ensure they know, and agree to, you using their number to send messages and deals. You should never simply ask customers for their phone number as part of a transaction and then spam them with your messaging. If you ask for their number, be very clear you plan on sending them giveaways and flash discounts (or whatever you will be doing). Give them the option of opting out at the time they give you their number and every time you send a message. Some people will love your flash deals. Others will opt out after a few. Always give them the option.
February 2025