If you spent any time on the Interwebs a year or so ago, you likely saw/heard the phrase “Okay, Boomer.” It was meant as a derogatory statement and used frequently by members of Gen Y and Gen Z all over Tic Toc and Instagram. It showed a dislike of following in their parents’ or grandparents’ footsteps. The memes and videos made fun of that generation for a lack of understanding and attributed much of what is wrong now with them.
In that light, chamber membership may be a hard sell to Millennials--and when they get old enough to join--Gen Zers. They may naturally see the chamber as an organization that Boomers join, not a place for young people who are taking on the world. But chamber membership makes a lot of sense for these younger generations once they understand the true reason and value behind the chamber. The following is an article you can share with them to help convey the benefits behind membership.
February 2025